אני שאול ליבנה, פסיכולוג קליני, חינוכי, מדריך, מעל 40 שנה.
אני פועל מהקליניקה הנעימה שלי בשדרות עמנואל הרומי בתל אביב.
אני עובד לפי תפיסה אינטגרטיבית/משולבת, ומטפל בכל הגילאים ותחומי החיים.
אני מתמחה בהיפנוזה, שזה אחד מהכלים בארגז הכלים המקצועי שלי.
אני שאול ליבנה, פסיכולוג קליני, חינוכי, מדריך, מעל 40 שנה.
אני פועל מהקליניקה הנעימה שלי בשדרות עמנואל הרומי בתל אביב.
אני עובד לפי תפיסה אינטגרטיבית/משולבת, ומטפל בכל הגילאים ותחומי החיים.
אני מתמחה בהיפנוזה, שזה אחד מהכלים בארגז הכלים המקצועי שלי.
Here you can find a partial list of topics that I often deal with, arranged by age groups.
The work is multifocal, and relates to the person as a whole.
I have been working as a Senior Clinical and School Psychologist for the last 50 years, out of my pleasant office at Emanuel HaRomi Boulevard in northern Tel Aviv. My approach to treatment is integrative, dealing with problems along the entire life span. I specialize in hypnosis, psychotherapy and couples therapy.
Towards childbirth, including hypnotic preparation for childbirth
Early childhood
Adaptation problems, emotional difficulties, behavioral problems (see Childcare)
Adaptation to adolescence
Dealing with problematic adult children

Social adjustment problems
Self-confidence, self-image
Behavior around studies (concentration, capacity utilization, etc.)
Defined problems (wetting, stuttering, phobias and focused fears, etc.)
Teaching self-hypnosis to children dealing with serious illnesses
Social adjustment, contact problems
Identity problems, self-confidence, self-image
Difficulties around studies (motivation, concentration, investment)
Difficulties with parents
Difficulties around military recruitment and service

Post-military adaptation, identity, direction of employment
Contact with the opposite sex and maintaining continuity
Childbirth Preparation
Difficulties in relationships
Anxieties and phobias
Depression and emptiness problems
Problems around performance (fulfillment, exhaustion of ability)
Pain control
Stress and finding ways to calm down and calm down
Creating mental balance (conflicts, self-image, self-confidence)
Processing traumatic issues
Crises around nodes in life (30, 40, 50)
Senior counseling
Adaptation to retirement
Coping in the role of grandparents
Body-mind problems
Adaptation to aging
Pain control